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When using blogger to create a multi news blog or a big blog, sometimes it becomes too tedious for only one person to handle hence, a team is needed or a few people who have the same interest in what you do. So in this quick tip, am going to show you how you can easily add a New Administrator to your blogger blog.

1. First, you have to sign into Blogger.

2. Hover over to the top left, click the Down Arrow.

3. Select the blog to update (if you have more than one blog).

4. On the left menu, click Settings and then Basic.

5. Under “Permissions,” find “Blog Authors” and click Add authors.

6. Enter the email address of the person you want to add. If they are more than one, you can enter the emails of the persons separated with comma.

7. After that, you want to click Invite authors.

Now the person(s) will receive an invitation method from Google, and after they accept the invitation, they’ll be listed as an author. You can add up to 100 total members (authors, administrators, or readers) to your blog.

Blogger has actually made it easy and cheaper to blog as only a custom domain name is needed for this, though the functionalities are quit limited when compared to other blogging platforms like WordPress, it is still a very good place to start.

Adding an administrator to blogger is great when you want people to help manage your blog for you. Having them as Authors actually limits their privileges as they won’t be given options only an Admin can have. And having a person as an Admin means the person has the same rights as you, this means that the person can push you out at any time so you probably don’t want to have anyone as an Admin unless you completely trust them.

Worth sharing huh? Sharing is loving, please share

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